Friday, February 29, 2008

Elections, Elections Everywhere

So as not to be ego-centrist I think it is important to note that there are places all over the world that have had or will have elections in the recent past or near future. These elections are so important to the relations with America and the stability of the countries themselves.

Just look at Kenya. A brutal killing spree verging on ethnic-cleansing/civil war has been raging all because of a disputed election. It looks like now there may be an agreement as the party that "lost" the election has negotiated a prime minister position supplementing the presidency (the powers have not been decided but but it is a step in the right direction).

Then Cuba had an "election," actually should be called an appointment but that's besides the point, that could change the entire dynamic of Cuban-American relations. Even if Raul Castro has been called "Fidel lite"

Pakistan just had an election replacing Musharraf. Bush continues to back the unpopular leader to the chagrin of Pakistanis. This will be something for Americans to watch carefully. Democracy is democracy. Bush has to be aware of the fact that he has touted government by the people for so long (even using it as an excuse for war). If the citizens of a country want a new leader Bush better be prepared to work with that person to negotiate a new anti-terrorism policy.

Russia has an election coming up where Putin has all but ordained his successor.

Check out all the upcoming elections here.

1 comment:

jcmrnbsn said...

Its nice to live in a country where you can freely vote for the candidate you feel is best. With all the dirty politics and mud slinging, it still works. If people complain maybe we should send them to Russia or Cuba for awhile.
Joan M