Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Democratic Race to Be Decided In an Alley...

...Not a dark alley. A bowling alley.

After Barack Obama got media attention for going bowling in Altoona, Pennsylvania Hillary Clinton decided she needed to get in on the action challenging Obama to a bowl-off.

It was, of course, an April Fools joke but she milked the metaphor for all it was worth.

"Today I am challenging Senator Obama to a bowl off, a bowling night, right here in Pennsylvania winner take all... I will even spot him 2 frames. It’s time for his campaign to get out of the gutter and allow all of the pins to be counted. I am prepared to play this game all the way to 10th frame. And when this game is over the America people will know when that phone rings at 3am they will have a president who will be able to bowl on day one so let’s strike a deal and go bowling for delegates," CBS news quoted.

It seems that Clinton is reading into Pennsylvanian culture as she also compared herself to Rocky Balboa recently.

We will soon see if Rocky and bowling are in fact keys to Keystone stater's hearts- or at least their votes.

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