Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Admiting Defeat...or something like that

I refuse to take a page from Hillary Clinton's playbook. Thus, I will acknowledge the fact that Team Obama did not perform as well as we had hoped in last night's long anticipated primaries.
But let's put things in perspective, folks.

Yes, Clinton won three primaries last night. But, this is only after 13 straight primaries (if you throw Vermont in there since it was the first to report its results last night) for Obama.

They seem so vastly important because we've had to wait awhile for them and the media told us they were make or break for Clinton, which was true.

So now Clinton is not dropping out of the race. Yet.

Let's remember that she is still behind in the delegates. With the difference being virutally the same as it was before the "big" wins for Clinton.

Also, Obama had a rough week because of claims that he flip flopped on NAFTA (something, if true, Clinton is guilty of as well) and having to defend his former relationship with Tony Rezko, whose trial started at the worst time possible.

It is also important to keep in mind that Obama has been behind in the polls in Pennsylvania, the next big primary state. But that is 7 weeks away.

Time, we have seen, is on Obama's side. He is taking a two day rest and then is going to barnstorm PA.

So don't let the headlines fool you. The only thing the results really show is the skin on Clinton's teeth is a little thicker than I would have hoped.

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