Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Race in America

I don't want to make this post about Obama, but I do want to make sure everyone knows about the speech he made today. Not because of what it means for him and for his campaign, but because of the content: The honest and often unacknowledged truth about race in America.

He was honest in a way that is uncommon among politicians, especially those running for the highest position in the land.

Obama has come under harsh scrutiny because of some of the words of his pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Wright has talked about white Americans in ways that do not sit well with me or anyone else.

Obama, though, distanced himself from the controversial words while opening up the American people to the anger of blacks and resentment of whites that often does not get voiced in public.

His speech, I dare say, is the "I Have a Dream," of our generation.

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